Katelyn Foutch is a mom of 3 darling girls, lives in Moscow, ID, and is a super talented photographer. She also happens to be a dear friend and my first college roommate! Lucky me!
I saw her blog post from her 2 year olds birthday party. I loved how simple it was, which is perfect for a 2 year old.
Thanks for sharing Katelyn!
Kamryn's 2nd Birthday
When I was trying to plan for Kamryn's party I was thinking, "What the heck do you even do for a 2 year old's birthday?", "Will she even remember?". I came to the conclusion, keep it simple.
1. Cake
I wanted to do a rainbow cake since they seem to be all the rage right now however, I didn't have any yellow food coloring so I just did whatever colors I had. I used 6" round cake pans and funfetti cake mix! See, I was keeping it simple! To frost the cake I used a tutorial found here! Then I topped it with dum dums and super cute candles I found at target! (of course!)
2. Party Hats!
A few months ago I actually photographed a super cute party, one that blows mine away! They had made home made party hats that were divine! Check them out here. I went with the easier party hat, ones that were already made!
3. Paper flowers
My mom and I have been on a paper flower kick! We dye coffee filters in all different colors then we make the flowers and spray them with glitter spray!
4. Aprons
This year I decided to do something for all the girls. I made each one their own apron with a box of crayons in the pocket. I bought a pattern from Jo Ann's which I ended up not liking and making up my own pattern.
5. Family
What's a party without your family. My husband was actually traveling home on the day of her party and got stuck in the Chicago airport. Luckily my dad video taped it for him!
What's a party without your family. My husband was actually traveling home on the day of her party and got stuck in the Chicago airport. Luckily my dad video taped it for him!